Naturkultur TRI

Naturkultur TRI

THE SUSTAINABILITY COMPASS is at the center of Naturkultur experiences!

Circular tourism must benefit the local communities we support, the nature we enjoy and create circular economic development. Tourism should not aim to exploit the beauty of a destination. Our programs are designed to empower local culture, nature, and economies.

What does TRI stand for?

Think. Reflect. Innovate. It represents the 3 steps of learning with Naturkultur! TRI is also translated as “three”, and it is deeply connected to the philosophy of Tri Hita Karana and many rituals within Balinese culture. For example, during Balinese ceremonies, one typically repeats drinking water three times.

Our services

Let’s cooperate to develop curriculum/experiences that create GLOCAL impact for local communities in Indonesia.

  • Holistic experiential education
  • Travel agency that empowers local communities
  • Health & wellness retreats, exploring Indonesia’s vast spiritual and herbal history
  • Volunteering programs
  • Consultancy: (research & development, green tourism, circular economy, sustainable business development)

Upon request, we will customize your experience to fit your curriculum requirements.